No bees but it would be nice to be one. Just saying.

///Everything should work now.


- Awful GUI but it's custom so you know someone worked to torture your eyes

- 900-something words, I didn't count [jk, lint says 985]

- My programming feats, go and admire

- I was told it feels like an acid trip

- A single plot twist you could've seen coming

- Imagine having choices lol

- Made by me instead of sleeping


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welp, since my (chosen) name is bee, guess I cant play :/

Sorry 😔 

But you can be a secret agent.


This was so silly and fun. Nice job cx

Remember kids, The European Honey Bee is an invasive species killing off the more important pollinators. Kill dem honey bees. They hurt my baby bumble bees.


there is a bee on the arrow icon

there is bee in the game

The bee isn't real, it's only mentioned. Do not believe in bees.


im sorry but a bee is a bee

you have lost yourself a costumer today

I am reflecting on my mistakes (o_ _)o