The jam release, plans and known issues

The current release is very obviously a demo and in-universe timeline wise spans around half the planned period. Content wise it's hard to tell as the later parts rely less on the chat and use 'real life' and such sections instead which leads to a different wordcount but honestly even the currently available common route will be heavily expanded upon so it might end up being less than 10% of the whole game, who knows.
We don't want to rush and prefer to deliver a finished and as polished as possible game for the full release so there are no concrete time estimates; maybe it'll happen in january, maybe not. There's a high chance it would get done this calendar winter, though. But again, no promises which is also related to the known issues [nothing game breaking, more quality of life stuff]:
- There's a lag, especially when accessing menus and picking choices. How significant it is depends mostly on your computer but it is there.
- The CGs in the gallery don't seem to unlock properly.
- When pressing enter to proceed [which lessened the lag for me compared to manually clicking], your cursor should be on the 'click to advance' box, specifically its lower part, the text and below.
- Analogously, when using rollback, your cursor should be in the upper part [or at least that's how it worked for us].
The phone system code is basically finished so it's mostly getting rid of bugs and a bit of optimising at this point but considering how chat sims made in renpy tend to lag, optimisation might be hard. Everything else would most likely be nicely corrected for the full release.
As of now, the demo lacks some features in a sense, though they were mostly planned to appear later in the story anyway and as such weren't considered necessary, one of them being voice/video calls and possibly perhaps mayhaps maybe perchance voice acting for that added sexiness [if you like the sound of english].
Since the base game was planned to work within Winter jam's rules, all the thirsting remains pretty much sfw which led us to plan a 'dlc'. Considering it's free and android users might have a problem with applying the patch, it could be treated more as an extra, the steamy kind [not hentai levels of explicit, though, sry] but I'll call it dlc for convenience.
Not everyone likes ero in their otomes, however, so while both the full version and the dlc would most likely be released at the same time, the current plan is to have a sfw version and a full one [sfw + dlc]. Full might also be a wrong word as the basic version has all the originally planned content, the dlc taking place post endings and maybe also containing some extra scenarios... As such it's mostly a matter of preferences but seeing these locked CGs might be annoying to completionists so different builds it is.
That's about it for the short summary and absolutely necessary info so while we're at it, if you liked the demo and feel the need to create a similar game but can't be bothered to make everything from scratch, we'll share the code as CC soon[? I think soon? Maybe, gotta get rid of bugs first. And it's also based on different codes, there's a lot, ngl] so be sure to check it out. And the final build~
Thanks for playing~~
Get Impostor Syndrome
Impostor Syndrome
I don't even go there!?
Status | Released |
Authors | Awiola, Star Sundae, Synokoria |
Genre | Visual Novel, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | Amare, Casual, chat-sim, Comedy, josei, Modern, Otome, Romance, Singleplayer |
Languages | English |
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looking forward to the release, I really enjoyed the demo!